- Language Arts
- Mathematics & Geometry
- Science
- Practical Life
- Cultural Studies
- Writing
- Physical Education
- Arts & Theater
- Reading skills
- Handwriting
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Literary elements
- Genre, Plot, Setting, Theme, Conflict, Resolution, Climax, Character Analysis
- Word Study and Mechanics
- Etymology
- Homonyms
- Punctuation
- Prefix/Suffix
- Advanced grammar
- Parts of speech, Adjectival modifiers, Adverbial modifiers, Direct and indirect object
- Subject and predicate
- Fractions
- Reducing and Simplifying
- Ratios
- Comparing
- Decimals and Percents
- Practical application in problem solving
- Pre-algebra (i.e., inegers, rational numbers, order of operations)
- Number Theory ( place value, factors, multiples, primers, composites, rounding, exponentials, scientific notation)
- Money (i.e., values and equivalents)
- Time
- Statistics
- Geometric solids and shapes
- Theorem of Pythagoras
- Perimeter and Area
- Prperties or Triangles, Congruence symmetry, points, lines, and angles
- Scientific Method
- Experiments
- Life Science and kingdoms
- Life cycles
- Ecology
- Anatomy
- Earth science (i.e., solar system, weather, astronomy, geology)
- Physical science (i.e., gravity, light, sound, electricity, heat, motion)
- Ecology
- The students take part in caring for the animals as they progress into the Upper Elementary Program.
- Taking care of Butterfly House and Garden
- Grace and Courtesy (manners, answering the phone, greetings and introductions)
- Care for indoor nature
- Time management
- Respect for oneself and others
- Comflict resolution
- Outdoor school at Camp Champions
- History ( Creation of universe, evolution of life, and human essential needs)
- Ancient Civilizations ( Greek, Romans ,Egyptians, Mesopotamians)
- American history (native americans, early explorers, westward expansion)
- Geography
- Continents, Countries, Cultures
- Natural resources
- Advanced land and water forms
- Exploring and Writing different compositions (narrative, persuasive, descriptive, creative, compare and contract, and five paragraph essay)
- Book reviews
- Journaling
- Poetry
- Multi-step writing process
- Participation in phyiscal education three times a week
- Running and pacing
- Strength and flexibility
- Sports and sportsmanship
- Cooperative games
- Teamwork
- Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors
- Different modes of Art
- Creating complex dances
- Discussion of cultures and dance
- Singing in harmony and performing
- Halloween, Christmas, and Fiesta performances

Give your child the gift of Montessori education. Call (210) 496-6033 to learn more!
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Enrollment for the Fall begins in February and is ongoing until all classrooms are full. As openings occur, families on the Waiting List will be notified of acceptance.
Call (210) 496-6033 to schedule a tour or for more information.